Partners Schools
We are happy to announce that more and more schools join our Senior-Friendly School Campaign. In this section we will briefly present the partner-schools and their activities.
All partner schools will organize 2 workshops for kids, facilitated by the seniors, but the idea of multigenerational cooperation inspired the school community to organize other interesting activities.

Tara’s Firefly
Tara’s Firefly is a full Daycare Creche in County Wexford with a babyroom, Toddler room, Pre-School and Afterschool Hub. They cater for children from the age of 6mths to 12years.

Kilnamanagh National School Wexford
Kilnamanagh National School Wexford is an inclusive caring ethos school with a high regard for respect, equality, community and excellence in education. Being a ‘Senior Friendly’ school is everything their ethos embodies

St. Joseph’s Primary School
St. Joseph’s Primary School is a school which strives to provide a well- ordered, caring, happy and secure learning environment, where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of our pupils are identified and addressed.

Scoil Carmel Firhouse
Scoil Carmel is a forward-thinking school that has served
the local community of Firhouse in Dublin for many years.
It prides itself on it’s ability and passion to welcome all
types of students from all different backgrounds.

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 im. Wacława Potockiego w Bieczu
Since January 18, 2005, the Educational Association “Our School” has been operating in association with the School Complex No. 2 in Biecz, whose goal is to trigger and support initiatives aimed at enriching the educational offer and the school’s base.

Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny w Libuszy
The school emphasizes students’ creative thinking, ability to efficiently acquire, collect and use information. This process is improved through activating methods used by teachers – the use of multimedia, field workshops, numerous projects, educational excursions. It also prepares for life in modern society by ensuring a high level of teaching of foreign languages and computer science.

Elementary school with kindergarten division in Poskwitów
Primary School managed by the private Association of Friends of School in Poskwitow, a village in Małopolska Region. school is friendly, fair, demanding, safe. We set high requirements for students, but they are adapted to their abilities. We treat individually gifted students, those with difficulties, disabled students. The school is distinguished by a family atmosphere and a climate of friendly dialogue between student, teacher, parent.

School and Kindergarten Complex
with Integration Classes
in Libiąż
The school is equipped to integrate children with physical and mental disabilities. Szkoła skupia się nie tylko na nauczaniu w klasach, ale angażuje się w wiele akcji społecznych edukując dzieci i młodzież w zakresie wartości społecznych. SPS jest jednym z tych działań.

Jan Mtejko Primary School no 5
The school conducts outstanding activities for the local senior community. It has launched a special sub-page on participation in the Senior Friendly School Campaign, and there it posts information on its ongoing activities, which go well beyond those resulting from participation in the campaign. Congratulations!